How your language reflects the senses you use

3rd October 2019

According to a research, the language we speak can have an impact on how we describe a taste or a smell. This could also give us a hidden insight i...

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Language: why we like some words more than others

9th September 2019

When we are learning a foreign language, there is some words that we like more than others and can even make us feel happy. Read more about it here...

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The do’s and don’ts of the Dutch job market

6th September 2019

Are you considering on moving to The Netherlands? Then we can help you. It can be a bit of a difficulty to relocate to another country, especially ...

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Red, yellow, pink and green: How the world’s languages name the rainbow

23rd August 2019

Colour words vary a lot across languages. Most languages have around 11 basic colour words. According to a research new colour term will evolve ove...

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Use your Language skills.

6th August 2019

Happy Friday! What a week it has been here at Language Matters! Our brand new office in Amsterdam is open and we have loads of inspiring new vacan...

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We need languages graduates to steer us through our post-Brexit troubled waters

Over the past few years, numbers of graduates in modern language studies have drastically reduced in the UK. With current economic and trade change...

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Bilinguals Solve Math Differently Depending on the Language

18th July 2019

According to research, bilinguals process arithmetic problems in a different way, all depending on which of their language they are using. Read mor...

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The huge benefits of working in your second language

15th July 2019

Working in another language can be challenging, however it has a surprising number of positive side effects. Read more about it here.

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Languages don’t all have the same number of terms for colors – scientists have a new theory why

25th June 2019

Most people operate on average 11 colour words. However, our cultural development and languages have an influence on the way we perceive or define ...

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You are more likely to deny the truth in your second language

According to various research that has been made, bilingual people are more likely to interpret facts differently, depending on the language they a...

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