Italian Editor, October 2015
Dear Frank, my personal experience with you and Language Matters in general has been really positive. When I registered at LM and I met you, you were able to provide me with a lot of useful information about the job. I could also count on your support before facing the interview, which helped me feel more comfortable and confident. I also appreciated your and Valentina's enthusiasm and congratulations when I knew that I got the job. :-)
French speaking HR Assistant, October 2015
La prise de poste s’est très bien passée. L’équipe est TOP, accueillante, bienveillante et très pro . J’ai beaucoup apprécié travailler avec toi. Toujours disponible, agréable, dynamique et réactive tu gères bien tes dossiers et apporte le soutien nécessaire au candidat. Le training avant de rencontrer ***** était indispensable et je te remercie de me l’avoir propose.
German speaking PA, September 2015
Hi Julie, I really like that you don’t forget about me. Some agencies send you one invite and if this does not fit, they forget about you. You are always friendly, send good and helpful papers and interesting jobs. You try to understand a person’s needs concerning a job. You don’t try to offer me positions I would not like. So it shows me, it’s not just about making money on your site. I mean I know, that you need to make contracts, but not at any cost.
French and Italian Customer Advisor, August 2015
Thank you again Sam for your support and for helping find something for me. I hope I truly like it there and that the future will be bright either end.
Italian and Spanish speaking Executive Assistant, July 2015
Dear Julie, I hope this email finds you well. Thank you very much for your amazing support throughout the recruitment process. So far is good, although I have been only working for couple of days. I will keep you posted on how things going. Many thanks again.
French speaking Receptionist, July 2015
Julie, merci Pour tout Je te dois beaucoup tu as cru en moi dès le départ et négocié comme une lionne!! Hihi je t'en suis reconnaissante très bon week end !! :-) amicalement.
German speaking Customer Advisor, June 2015
Dear Ms Valentina Tammaro, thank you for informing me about the great news. I also wish to thank you very much for all your kind assistance and guidance in this matter, with regards to the preparation for the telephone interview as well as for the face-to-face interview within just a few days. I really appreciate your fine-tuned professionalism and good work.
Turkish speaking Customer Advisor, May 2015
Sam, thank you very much for all your help at first place! Thanks for finding me on linked in. I wouldn't pass that first interview without your help :) Thanks a lot!
Hebrew speaking Researcher, April 2015
Dear Hannah, I want to thank you for all your help over the past 10 months or so. Every role you found for me was interesting and challenging, which one doesn't necessarily expect when looking for temporary work. The work also gave me valuable experience in various industries, which was a huge help when it came to seeking full-time employment.
I can only hope the job I'm about to start will be as enjoyable as the work you've been able to find for me at Languages Matters. Thanks again.
Czech speaking Project Officer, April 2015
Dear Rebecca, Today is my last day working at EMA as interim employed by Language Matters. I will be shortly sending out my last timesheet for the first three days of this week. I would like to thank you for your support and trust put into me almost a year ago, as without you and Language Matters I would not be here today. I feel really grateful, and I really appreciate my time with Language Matters.