LG, Paralegal, August 2017
Joanna is one of the best recruiters in the multilingual market in London, she is always keen and dedicated to match great candidates with great organisations.
VV, Translator, August 2017
Thank you for your kind words and thanks for offering me the opportunity to do the translation. It was a pleasure working with you and I would be happy to do similar projects in the future should you require it.
DR, Researcher, August 2017
Thank you very much for approaching me, is hard to say no to my favourite agency. Thank you very much once again for all your great support this year and for approaching me again dear Linda and I send you best wishes and regards to you dear all.
BH, Meetings Support, July 2017
I have nearly finished my second day at […] and I am very happy with my decision to accept their offer. The team and work environment are very helpful and welcoming and it is exactly what I have been looking for.
AF, French speaker, July 2017
I am actively looking and would very much prefer to be represented by a recruitment consultant that I have a rapport with like you. I'm sure you may have other vacancies we can try and go for together in central London.
MC, Legal Secretary, July 2017
Hi Hannah, I would like to thank you so much for your help to get this position. You were really helpful with tips and suggestion. I will recommend you to my friends if they will need to find a new job.
VU, Registration Office, July 2017
Hi Jessica, Thank you for your kind words and support during this all time, you guys are amazing!
BO, German speaker, July 2017
Ich finde, Sie machen Ihre Aufgabe richtig gut und ich habe mich auch unheimlich ueber die Motivationsnachricht vor dem Interview gefreut - das war wirklich lieb von Ihnen!
VU, Registration Office, June 2017
Dear Ana, thank you for your help and kind support with all the paperwork, timesheets and payments. I truly appreciate your fast problem solving!
JH, French Speaker, June 2017
Hello Jonathan, J'espère que tu passes une bonne journée! Je souhaitais juste te remercier pour le poste chez [……]. Cela se passe bien pour l'instant, je recommencerai mes recherches dans quelques semaines vu que c'est un fixed term.